The Schmidt Law Firm


No Attorney-Client Relationship is created by using this site

Neither gathering information from, nor your use of this website to contact The Schmidt Law Firm (Hereinafter “the Firm”) creates an attorney-client relationship between you and the Firm. You become a client only if and when an agreement is signed with the firm which will establish the scope of engagement, fees and other matters. The Firm will not accept clients without initially investing for possible conflicts of interest and receiving beforementioned agreement.

No Confidentiality

Do not use the contact form on this site or any form of email as a manner of conveying confidential information about legal matters with the Firm. If you wish to talk confidentially with a Lawyer from the Firm, please communicate in person or by telephone.  

No Legal Advice Intended

This website is only designed to give general information regarding the law. This information may not reflect the most recent legal developments and therefore must not be taken as legal advice on any issue. Please contact a lawyer licensed in your area to discuss specific legal issues.

Referring matters to Other Firms

Unless explicitly expressed, the Firm does not intend to refer clients to other legal counsel. The Firm intends to act as the primary council in representing its clients.


Photographs on this site are actual lawyers, employees or clients of the Firm unless otherwise noted.

Web Designers

This website is paid for by the Firm for which it represents – no other lawyer or firm.

Results Not Guaranteed

While it is our intention to work for the best outcome of every case, the Firm does not guarantee the results that may be reflected in any case summaries or reports found on this site. You must not assume any guaranteed outcome for a particular matter of interest to you. Outcomes vary based on many different factors including developments beyond the control of a client or lawyer.

No Expertise Claimed

By listing areas in which the Firm practices, no lawyer makes a claim of “expertise” or “Specialization” Individual Lawyers will specify these areas within their own biographies as needed.

IRS Circular 230 Notice

This is to inform you, in compliance with the Internal Revenue Service requirements, that any information that could be construed as United States tax advice is not intended to be used for avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or for promoting, marketing or recommending any transaction addressed on this website.

Third-Party Sites

Any third-party links found on this website are not under the Firm’s control and the firm, therefore holds no responsibility for the contents of such sites.

Authorized Practice of Law

The ability of a Firm lawyer to practice outside of the area in which they are licensed is subject to state statutes, court rules, and professional standards. This site does not intend to solicit clients outside of its lawyer’s jurisdictions when to do so would be unauthorized.


Nathaniel Schmidt is held responsible for the content of this website.